What is one of the first things you do when you decide to hop onto the Internet? If your response referenced any form of search engine use, then you are among the 93% of online users who begin with a search engine.
It is already common knowledge that the internet is a powerful tool. In recent years, social media has proven to be just as strong.
Social media sites, as well as blogs, now account for 23% of online time.
With over 100 billion searches being conducted globally each month, it is no wonder why Internet marketing companies are shifting to Internet and social media marketing to reach consumers.
Do you have a website or social media account that is not getting much traffic? Learning the fundamentals of social media marketing may be the answer to your problem.
Educating yourself on the do's and don'ts of social media marketing can save time and resources to get the results you want.
Focusing on content, consider the following Internet marketing tips to be successful in social media:
- Post frequently. Set a goal to post on Facebook a minimum of three times per day and Twitter at least eight times per day. Doing so increases your awareness as well as your chances of traffic flow.
- Share original content. The more original, the better. If you find that you do not have enough content to maintain the social media publishing demands, create your own and share it. Establish your voice.
- When sharing content from other sources, make sure it is reliable. Read through the content first and confirm that it has some kind of value to your audience. They will appreciate this and, in turn, will be more likely to come back to your site
- Share a wide range of posts. The more diverse, the better. Think of it as casting a wide net to get the numbers you want. By broadening your topics, you are making yourself more visible, thus being able to reach more people of varying interests.
In addition to the recommendations for things to do, here are a few things you do not want to do to bring attention to your site
- Don't share too much. Yes, there is such a thing. If you post too often, readers will no longer see you as a source for information but as spam, and that helps no one.
- Consider consulting with an SEO firm or search for SEO tips on how to make content interesting without coming off as spam.
Try not to be inconsistent. Structure out your site and plan for what content you want to share ahead of time.
Don't post a bunch one week, then produce nothing the next. This type of inconsistency is what drives audiences to look for other, more reliable options.
- While it's okay to share other people's content, don't do it too frequently. Keep your brand as the top priority or else you could risk promoting another brand over your own with sharing too much of their content.
- Now that you have the basics of how to structure your content, you can begin seeing results right away.
- Remember to post often, but not too much, share your own content and not too much of another's. Put some variety in your posts, and make sure your sources for information are reliable.
- Following these simple steps will help you produce better content and improve your social media marketing. Contact us if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.